Monday, 11 September 2017

Computer Networks


Find the Module-1 presentation slides
Special thanks to my students Gowtham and Chirath for their contributions

Client Server- UDP and TCP

Dear friends

Find the programs of TCP & UDP Client Server

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Installing Contiki Operating System (in Windows)

Steps involved are as follows:
1 .Download  Instant Contiki
                Contiki is a open source Operating System. Instant Contiki and Cooja makes Contiki easier to install and get started with.
About Instant Contiki:
            Instant Contiki is an entire Contiki development environment in a single download. It is an Ubuntu Linux virtual machine that runs in VMWare player and has Contiki and all the development tools, compilers, and simulators used in Contiki development installed.Instant Contiki is so convenient that even hardcore Contiki developers use it.
We begin by downloading Instant Contiki, installing VMWare Player, and booting up Instant Contiki.
Download Instant Contiki
Download Instant Contiki. It is a large file, just over 2 gigabyte. When downloaded, unzip the file, place the unzipped directory on the desktop.
To download Contiki : click here

Install VMWare Player

Download and install VMWare Player.It might  require a reboot of your computer, which is unfortunate but needed to get networking working.
To download VMWarePlayer : Install VMWare Player

Start Instant Contiki

Boot Ubuntu

Start Instant Contiki by running InstantContiki2.7.vmx. Wait for the virtual Ubuntu Linux boot up.

Log in

Log into Instant Contiki with the default  password  user
2 .Start Cooja
We will now compile and start Cooja, the Contiki network simulator.
About Cooja:
 Cooja is the Contiki network simulator. Cooja allows large and small networks of Contiki motes to be simulated. Motes can be emulated at the hardware level, which is slower but allows precise inspection of the system behavior, or at a less detailed level, which is faster and allows simulation of larger networks.
Open a terminal window
To start Cooja, first open a terminal window.
Start Cooja
In the terminal window, go to the Cooja directory:
Ø  cd contiki/tools/cooja
Start Cooja with the command:
Ø  ant run
Wait for Cooja to start
When Cooja first starts, it will first compile itself, which may take some time.

When Cooja is compiled, it will start with a blue empty window.

Now that Cooja is up and running, we can try it out with an example simulation.
3.Run Contiki in Simulation
About Cooja Simulaton:
Cooja is a highly useful tool for Contiki development as it allows developers to test their code and systems long before running it on the target hardware. Developers regularly set up new simulations both to debug their software and to verify the behavior of their systems.

Create new simulation

Click on  the File menu and click New simulation…

Set simulation options

Cooja now opens up the Create new simulation  dialog. In this dialog, we may choose to give our simulation a new name, but for this example, we'll just stick with My simulation. Click the Create button.

Simulation windows

Cooja brings up the new simulation.
ü  The Network window, at the top left of the screen, shows all the motes in the simulated network - it is empty now, since we have no motes in our simulation.
ü  The Timeline window, at the bottom of the screen, shows all communication events in the simulation over time - very handy for understanding what goes on in the network.
ü  The Mote output window, on the right side of the screen, shows all serial port printouts from all the motes.
ü   The Notes window on the top right is where we can put notes for our simulation.
ü  The Simulation control window is where we start, pause, and reload.

Add motes to the simulation

Add motes

Before we can simulate our network, we must add one or more motes. We do this via the Motes  menu, where we click on Add motes… Since this is the first mote we add, we must first create a mote type to add. Click Create new type mote and select one of the available mote types. For this example, we click Sky mote to create an emulated Tmote Sky mote type.

Create a new mote type

Cooja opens the Create mote type dialog, in which we can choose a name for our mote type as well as the Contiki application that our mote type will run. For this example, we stick with the suggested name, and instead click on the Browse…button on the right hand side to choose our Contiki application.

Example of Contiki Application
            Go to the directory /home/user/contiki/examples/udp-stream/udp-stream.c
Specify C source file.i.e.choose the file udp-stream.c This file contains a simple Contiki application that randomly broadcasts a UDP packet to its neighbors. Click the open button to choose the file.

Compile Contiki and the application

Now Cooja will verify that the selected Contiki application compiles for the platform that we have selected. Click the compile button. This will take some time the first time around, expect it to take a minute at least. The compilation output will show up in the white panel at the bottom of the window.

Create the mote type

Click the create button to create the mote type. The window will close.

Add motes to simulation

Cooja will now ask us if we want to add motes from the newly created mote type to the simulation. We change the number of motes to add in the Number of motes field to 8. Then click the Add motes button to add the motes to the simulation.

Start the simulation

We can now see the 8 motes we added to the simulation in the Network window. Click the Start button to start the simulation.
See printouts from the simulated motes appearing in the Mote outputwindow. The Network window shows communication going on in the network. The Timeline window shows communication and radio events over time - the small gray lines are ContikiMAC periodically waking the radio up. We can click the Pause button to pause the simulation.
This shows the Cooja simulation with Contiki nodes that send periodic UDP packets with ContikiMAC sleepy router functionaliy.
References: 1.Contiki OS

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

NS2 and Evalvid

The document assists beginners to work with NS2 and Evalvid


Thursday, 2 June 2016

Unable to extract the rar from fedora-20 as the packages are not available. So tried with yum install but it is not working ?

[root@gururaj ~]# yum install unrar
Loaded plugins: langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit
Setting up Install Process
No package unrar available.
Error: Nothing to do

As fedora-20 repositories are not free software, so the  unrar program is not included. 

It is  available in the RPMFusion repository. Follow the instructions here to enable RPMFusion. Once you've done that, you can simply  

yum install unrar